This endpoint allows you to retrieve the status and details of a specific video.


stringUnique identifier for the object.
errorjsonOptional, the error detail of the video.
statusstringVideo status, one of
- processing (The video is rendering)
- completed (The video render success)
- failed (An error occurred when rendering video).
- pending (The video rendering waiting in queue).
video_urlstringThe URL of the video after completed. The URL will expire in 7 days.
video_url_captionstringThe URL of the caption video after completed when you create video with open_caption. The URL will be expired in a few days.
callback_idstringA custom data that you wish HeyGen returns to you via webhook or video_status.get. Set when calling video.generate and template.generate
durationfloatlength of the video
thumbnail_urlstringThe URL of the video thumbnail after completed.
 // If your video is processing, you'll get a response like this:
  "code": 100,
  "data": {
    "callback_id": null,
    "caption_url": null,
    "duration": null,
    "error": null,
    "gif_url": null,
    "id": "<id>",
    "status": "processing",
    "thumbnail_url": null,
    "video_url": null,
    "video_url_caption": null
  "message": "Success"
// If your video is in the queue, you will get a response like this:
  "code": 100,
  "data": {
    "callback_id": null,
    "caption_url": null,
    "duration": null,
    "error": null,
    "gif_url": null,
    "id": "<id>",
    "status": "pending",
    "thumbnail_url": null,
    "video_url": null,
    "video_url_caption": null
  "message": "Success"
// If an error occurred in the rendering process, the status would
// change to "failed", and errors details may include in the "error" field:
  "code": 100,
  "data": {
    "callback_id": null,
    "caption_url": null,
    "duration": null,
    "error": {
      "code": 40119,
      "detail": "Video is too long (> 3600.0s). Please upgrade your plan to generate longer videos",
      "message": "Video is too long"
    "gif_url": null,
    "id": "<id>",
    "status": "failed",
    "thumbnail_url": null,
    "video_url": null,
    "video_url_caption": null
  "message": "Success"
// After the video rendering is finished, you'll get a response like this:
  "code": 100,
  "data": {
    "callback_id": null,
    "caption_url": "<caption_url>",
    "duration": 1.234,
    "error": null,
    "gif_url": "<gif_url>",
    "id": "<id>",
    "status": "completed",
    "thumbnail_url": "<thumbnail_url>",
    "video_url": "<video_url>",
    "video_url_caption": null
  "message": "Success"


The video file URL you get will expire in 7 days. 📆

You can observe this expiration in the URL parameters. Every time you call the video status endpoint, the Expires and other queries are regenerated accordingly.


  • Returns a 404 HTTP response if the video doesn't exist, or if doesn't have access to the page.
  • Returns a 400 HTTP response if the request exceeds the request limits or your request body is corrupted.
  • Returns a 424 HTTP response if parameters are invalid.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!