Updates an existing brand voice with specified changes. Only the fields that need to be modified should be included in the request body.

Request Body

All fields in the request body are optional. Only include the fields you want to update.

namestringNew name for the brand voice
blacklistarray[string]List of words that should not be translated (e.g., brand names, person names)
whitelistarray[tuple[string, string]]List of word pairs for forced translations
tonesarray[string]List of tone keywords to influence the voice
vocabularyarray[tuple[string, string]]List of word pairs for pronunciation guidance
tonestringOverall tone description


All fields are optional in the POST request, so you only need to include the fields you want to update.

Minimal Update Request

  "vocabulary": [["HeyGen", "Hey-jen"]]

Full Update Request

  "name": "Brand Voice Name",
  "blacklist": ["HeyGen", "John Smith"],  // Don't translate these words
  "whitelist": [["AI", "artificial intelligence"]],  // Force translations
  "tones": ["professional", "friendly"],  // Tone keywords
  "vocabulary": [["HeyGen", "Hey-jen"]],  // Pronunciation pairs
  "tone": "communicate with clarity and enthusiasm, avoiding overly technical jargon when possible."
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!