Rate Limits

The rate limits for HeyGen's API vary based on the token type or test mode:

  • Trial Token: Allows up to 5 videos per day, maximum video length 60 seconds, with a watermark.
  • API Token test mode: Allows up to 60 videos per week/10 per day, maximum video length 60 seconds, with a watermark.
  • API Token non-test mode: Video generations are not rate-limited, no watermark, and are deducted from your credit.

Limit periods are measured from the time of the first request made, e.g. with daily limits lasting 24 hours from the initial request.

To ensure a smooth interaction with the server and avoid potential throttling, it is recommended to space out your requests.

Resource Limits

HeyGen limits the size and format of resources such as images, audio or video. Render errors may occur if resources are invalid.

Resource TypeSuportted formatMax File SizeResolution
ImageJPG, PNG50MB<2K
AudioWAV, MP350MB

Please ensure:

  • Your resource URL is public and accessible to anyone.
  • The provided asset is in one of the supported formats.
  • Check that the asset file extension aligns with the actual format.
  • Verify that the asset file is not corrupted or misformatted.

Avatar Input Limits

Avatar input can be either text or audio:

  • Text input for avatars should be less than 1500 characters.
  • The duration of audio input for avatars should not exceed 10 minutes (3600 seconds).

Invalid inputs will result in video render failures.


Price/credit usage is the same as our web interface. More details can be found here.