
To access HeyGen's API and perform operations, you must authenticate and authorize your requests using the HTTP X-Api-Key header.

To find your API Token, navigate to your account's Space by clicking the top left corner of the HeyGen App home screen. From the dropdown menu, select Space Settings. Your API token will be displayed under the API tab. This token will be used to authenticate your API requests.


HeyGen API Plans

Your API usage limits will depend on the tier of HeyGen API plan you are subscribed to. Ever HeyGen App user now automatically receives Free Trial access to the HeyGen API, including Video Generation, Video Translation, and Interactive Avatar endpoints, and there are three paid subscription tiers available for increased usage: Pro, Scale, and Enterprise.

For more information on pricing and usage, please refer to our limits page.



When it comes to your API Token, heed Gandalf's advice: Keep it Secret. Keep it Safe!. Anyone with access to your API Key can make API requests on your behalf. If you suspect that your token has been compromised, please send an email to [email protected] and it can be deactivated or reset.