This endpoint is used to initiate a new streaming session.

This endpoint is used to initiate a new streaming session with an Interactive Avatar. It sets up a fresh session, allowing for real-time interactions and communication.

Request Body

qualitystringThe quality of the data to be retrieved. Can be "high", "medium", or "low".
high: 2000kbps and 720p.
medium: 1000kbps and 480p.
low: 500kbps and 360p.
avatar_idstring (optional)The ID of the Interactive Avatar to use. If not provided, a default avatar will be chosen. Default: default
voiceVoiceSetting(optional)The settings for the Interactive Avatar's voice.
video_encodingstring (optional)Specifies the encoding format for streaming video. Can be "H264", "VP8". Default: VP8.
Note: Choosing "H264" may offer better compatibility with certain devices and platforms.
knowledge_basestring (optional)Knowledge Base prompt used for chat task type.
versionstring (optional) betaSpecifies the version to use. Currently, the only valid value is v2.
Default: Not specified (uses v1).
knowledge_base_idstring (optional) betaThe ID of the knowledge base to use for the avatar's responses. Only applicable when version is set to v2.
disable_idle_timeoutboolean(optional)By default session has a 2 minute idle timeout, setting to true disables it.
⚠️ Do not use this feature without proper session management, as open sessions can consume your API credits!


voice_idstring (optional)Voice for your Interactive Avatar. See the available voices by calling the List Voices endpoint. Note: Not every voice is supported in the streaming API.
ratefloat(optional)Voice speed rate. Default is 1.
emotionstring (optional)Emotion to use for Emotional voices. Available emotions are Excited, Serious, Friendly, Soothing, Broadcaster
elevenlabs_settingsElevenlabsSettings (optional)Voice settings to pass over if the voice provider for the session is Elevenlabs.


stabilityfloat (optional)Default is 0.75.
similarity_boostfloat(optional)Default is 0.75.
stylefloat (optional)Default is 0.0.
use_speaker_boostbool (optional)Default is true.


codeintegerThe response status code.
messagestringA message providing more details about the request's result, typically explaining success or error.
dataobjectContains the main data for the response.
data.session_idstringA unique identifier for the session.
data.urlstringThe WebSocket URL for accessing the LiveKit room (e.g., wss://
data.access_tokenstringThe access token required to authenticate and join the LiveKit room.
data.session_duration_limitintegerThe maximum allowed duration (in seconds) for the session, indicating any session time limits.
data.is_paidbooleanA flag indicating whether the session is part of a paid plan.
data.realtime_endpointstringThe real-time endpoint URL for alpha implementations, which could be used for experimental features (e.g., wss://
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!