This endpoint is used to initiate a new streaming session.

This endpoint is used to initiate a new streaming session with an Interactive Avatar. It sets up a fresh session, allowing for real-time interactions and communication.

Request Body

qualitystringThe quality of the data to be retrieved. Can be "high", "medium", or "low".
high: 2000kbps and 720p.
medium: 1000kbps and 480p.
low: 500kbps and 360p.
avatar_idstring (optional)The ID of the Interactive Avatar to use. If not provided, a default avatar will be chosen. Default: default
voice_name(deprecated)string (optional)The Voice ID for the Interactive Avatar. Default: en-US-JennyNeural
voiceVoiceSetting(optional)The settings for the Interactive Avatar's voice.
video_encodingstring (optional)Specifies the encoding format for streaming video. Can be "H264", "VP8". Default: VP8.
Note: Choosing "H264" may offer better compatibility with certain devices and platforms.
knowledge_basestring (optional)Knowledge Base prompt used for chat task type.


voice_idstring (optional)Voice for your Interactive Avatar. See the available voices by calling the List Voices endpoint. Note: Not every voice is supported in the streaming API.
ratefloat(optional)Voice speed rate. Default is 1.
emotionstring (optional)Emotion to use for Emotional voices. Available emotions are Excited, Serious, Friendly, Soothing, Broadcaster

Response Body

codeintegerThe response status code.
messagestringThe response message.
dataobjectContains the response data.
data.ice_servers(deprecated)string arrayUse ice_servers2 instead.
data.ice_servers2ICEServer arrayA list of ICE servers.
data.sdpobjectThe Session Description Protocol (SDP) data.
data.session_idstringThe session ID.


urlsstring arrayThe list of ICE server URLs, including STUN and TURN servers.
usernamestringThe username for authentication.
credentialstringThe credential for authentication.


sdpstringThe Session Description Protocol (SDP) data.
typestringThe type of SDP, which is "offer".
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