Replace Talking Photo In Template

In this guide, you'll learn how to replace photars (virtual character) with custom text and voice within a template video. You can view the example template video here.

Retrieve Template Variables

You can fetch the template variables using the following API call:

curl -X GET '<video_id>' \
     -H 'X-Api-Key: <your-api-key>'
  "code": 100,
  "data": {
    "scenes": [
        "variables": [
            "name": "photar_0",
            "properties": [
                "default": "e369e7deb3294abb88e4618ff319d47e",
                "name": "id"
                "default": "Welcome to the new era of video creation with HeyGen! Simply type your script to get started!",
                "name": "text"
                "default": "6d9be61f6e0646f4b6750d3eb03b118f",
                "name": "voice_id"
            "type": "photar"
    "template_id": "617ef3f64a8d440cbdabffd6f9d82634",
    "video_id": "617ef3f64a8d440cbdabffd6f9d82634"
  "message": "Success"

Customize Template Variables and Generate Video

Now, you can proceed to replace the photar's id, text and voice_id variables in your template. Use the following API request:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'Accept: application/json' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --header 'X-Api-Key: <your-api-key>' \
     --data '
  "template_id": "617ef3f64a8d440cbdabffd6f9d82634",
  "title": "video_title",
  "variables": [
      "properties": {
        "id": "aaf2533a92bc48ea82cd744e072f6e1e",
        "text": "HeyGen api支持更换photar了",
        "voice_id": "118e0e91a87a4e60a1353a438b3601ac"
      "name": "photar_0"
  "test": false

View the Result

Let's take a look at how a template video can be transformed. Below, you'll find the original template video and the video after customizing it.

Here's the original template video:

And here's the video after customizing it, where we've replaced the photar (virtual character) with custom text and voice within the template:

As you can see, with HeyGen's API, you can seamlessly replace photar content within templates, offering endless possibilities for customization and personalization.