Having folder using apis
Hi guys, I'm using your apis in my node.js application for translating videos, I need an option to have my videos that they come from apis, in specific folders (for example "api videos" folder)
Interactive Avatar Issues - no keyboard and voice input
We recently created and embedded interactive avatar on our webpage, but we've encountered some functionality problems over the past week:
Photo avatar API
Photo avatar. Is it possible to create new AI photos using prompts via the API? I can’t find this in your documentation. However, this functionality is available in the Heygen account.
Encountering a `bad request` exception when calling `https://api.heygen.com/v1/streaming.start`.
Hi HeyGen Technical Support,
Generate a new looks
Good day
Is it possible to generate a new looks for an avatar via the API?
Is it possible to train and re-train an avatar using API
Unable to Retrieve Video Status via API
Hello HeyGen Support Team,
how to use my local custom LLM with interactive avatat?
Following the api documentation it is not clear to me how I can prompt the custom interactive avatar with the text and answers I receive from my custom local LLM. I appreciate if someone can point a direction here.Thanks
Error uploading photo
When trying to upload the same photo, an error "nsfw content detected" occurs if I do it through the API, but when I do it through ui, this error does not occur
Maybe there is an explanation for this
I want to get looks for a specific avatar
Good day. I have a few questions, maybe you can help me
I want to integrate your service into mine, but I can't get looks for a specific avatar
The request to get a list returns a list in which I can't match a photo ID with a specific avatar
Maybe there is a solution to this issue