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Unauthorized Error with trial token

I attempted to use the Translate Video API at <https://api.heygen.com/v2/video_translate> with a trial token. However, I received a 401 Unauthorized response both through your portal and Postman. Could you please assist me in understanding how to correctly use the trial token? What might be wrong with the authorization, and how can I resolve this issue? Thank you. ![](https://files.readme.io/172e678-image.png)

custom streaming avatar

I'm developing using Streaming avatar api. When using a streaming avatar, if I want to set the avatar quality to the best, should I add custom studio avatar add-on at the same time as using the Enterprise Plan? I am curious about the difference in quality such as image quality when using the existing studio avatar such as Angela and Monica of heygen and custom studio avatar.

Streaming avatar api with trial token

I'm planning to develop with Streaming avatar api, and I'm testing it using trial token. I made the quality parameter high, but is this avatar 1080p supported?

{ "code": 500, "message": "something wrong in server" }

I'm using the streaming avatar and when i try to send a task it gives me this error { "code": 500, "message": "something wrong in server" } everything seems fine so I'm not sure what's causing it

Convert audio to video

When I convert audio to video then only change avatar but I need to change voice of audio as well as avatar

Do you have any example of how to consume the API from javascript o Blazor .NET without use node js?

I'm developing a Blazor .NET application and I need to integrate their API for actual avatar streaming in real time.

I have problem with StreamingAvatarApi.js in library of Heygen

Uncaught TypeError: debugStream is not a function at peerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange (StreamingAvatarApi.js:533:1) This thing happen everytime even I don't have this function

Error Uploading Consent Video

Overtime we upload a consent via a mobile recording it always return to an error: Please make sure you read out the code correctly. We have done it multiple times and said the passcode clearly on video and it still returns to the same error.

Request to add voice pause in streaming avatar

the interrupt API doesn't work with 100% accuracy and timings. sometimes the avatar keep speaking even after triggering the interrupt api which leads to poor UX.

https://api.heygen.com/v2/templates Api returning with empty data

I'm trying to get the template id of my latest template to pass the variable values from the api but I'm not able to get the template id even from the website (Can't copy, permission error, even I'm owner of the workspace) and even not from the api (empty) I'm sending my x-api-key without it get a unauthorized error