Problem with face swap API
Is there an example of this json? I don't really know what to fill in, and I don't know the format.
Upload face method Image format not supported"
When you run the Upload face method from https://docs.heygen.com/reference/upload-face-copy, the function is executed. But when I copy the same php (curl) code to my file and run it on my server I get the error {"code":40002,"message":"Image format not supported"}. What could be the problem
How to check if a webhook came from Movio
I created a webhook and it works but when I get it I don't see the secret key in it. How can I make sure that the request came from Movio
How do I put a picture in front of the avatar by create video api
As the website does, how do I put a picture in front of the avatar by create video api
How to use the faceswap API?
How to use the faceswap API? What is the value of the parameter faceswap_mapping .
the video generated have a black background towards the end
Why, when using the template.generate interface, does the video generated have a black background towards the end, and the original template image is gone? Here is the code:
Set multiple backgrounds
I want to create a video through the https://api.heygen.com/v1/video.generate interface, but this interface can only set global backgrounds. How to set backgrounds for different scenes through this interface. Can only replace existing templates.
How to distinguish free voice
Hi, HeyGen team. I want to use the voice in the voice list. But an error occurred: 'Please upgrade to use premium voices or try a free voice'. How do I differentiate between free voice