Access to Heygen's API for video production using Chinese IPs or domain names gets blocked after a certain period, requiring constant updates to proxies. Please, the technical side of Heygen, provide a solution.
Access to Heygen's API for video production using Chinese IPs or domain names gets blocked after a certain period, requiring constant updates to proxies. Please, the technical side of Heygen, provide a solution.
v2 Template Text Variable API
I have successfully used the API Variables for images in the V2 template , but i also need to change Titles and the Scripts at runtime. is there a way to declare Text Variables that i can then refer to in the API ?
I uploaded a cartoon style little cute girl photo and HeyGen always showed "No face detected"
I want to know how to solve it. In fact I wanna know that how the algorithm detects the face. The cute girl in photo has mouse/nose and ears. The eyes is larger than the real-world style girl becasue it is a cartoon style photo.
Generate from template API
When I call generate from template API with below body, but I receive body is "code: 400569, message: heygen_video not found". Please support me.
Why is the sample request blocked, click on the page try it can?
HeyGen API is not working
I can not use the HeyGen API. I can upload image, but after adding text, the API showed 403 error.
Upload Talking Photo
When uploading a talking photo, i put .jpeg file into the POST request, and set the "Content-Type" as "image/jpeg", but it says {'code': 40002, 'message': 'Image format not supported'}
RealTime API
I am trying to use this API but it gives:
"code": 400562,
"message": "forbidden"
Why can't the offset parameter in the character object be greater than 1.0 when creating a video with V2 version?
{"code":"invalid_parameter","message":"0.offset.x.video_inputs.character is invalid: ensure this value is less than or equal to 1.0"}}
How to create a video file based on Talkphoto through API v2?
When I use the API to create a video based on talkPhoto, the following error is displayed.
{"data":null,"error":{"code":"invalid_parameter","message":"0.type.video_inputs.character is invalid: unexpected value; permitted: 'avatar'"}}
the api version is v2
request body:
2023-10-31 08:17:28.786 INFO 42309 --- [ main] okhttp3.OkHttpClient : {"test":true,"caption":false,"title":"接口测试","dimension":{"width":1024,"height":768},"aspect_ratio":null,"callback_id":null,"video_inputs":[{"character":{"type":"talking_photo","scale":1.0,"offset":{"x":0.0,"y":0.0},"matting":false,"expression":null,"avatar_id":null,"avatarStyle":"normal","talking_photo_id":"969f0b3269a9432da3c6e348e595a212","talking_photo_style":null,"talking_style":null,"super_resolution":false},"voice":{"type":"text","voice_id":"00c8fd447ad7480ab1785825978a2215","input_text":"我这是在测试使用接口测试,测试一个测试视频","audio_url":null,"audio_asset_id":null},"background":{"type":"color","value":"#3fd920","url":null,"image_asset_id":null,"video_asset_id":null,"play_style":null}}]}