Real-time Avatar API
What's subscription should I buy to get the real-time avatar API or Streaming Avatars and what is the longest minutes can I use it ?
Error with code 40102 when calling the endpoint "<https://api.heygen.com/v1/video.generate"> using the trial API key.
Hello. First of all, greetings.
How to locate Exclusive Version 1 Avatars in Version 2
How can I locate avatars that were exclusively available in version 1 when using version 2?
For instance, "Eric_public_lite1_20230601".
When will the faceswap function be available?
Can it be called now?
Generate video with API without watermark?
Recently I've subscribed to the "Creator" plan. I've tested my Trial Token successfully in test mode, using the API.
I request to cancel my subscription since it is not what I need
Avatar Selection using Streaming API
Avatar to provide real time feedback
Would I be able to use the new API capability to provide real-time feedback to students submitting assignments if I upload the directions and scoring rubric?
Cloning avatar - Streaming
Is it possible to use one of the clones I created with you in streaming?
can i create a avatar on the heygen and then use that video using api in my website
i want to create a avatar which reads the text which is connected to chatgpt , so which avatar is best