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How can I modify the Next.JS Demo to fit my team's needs?

First of all, thank you so much for building an awesome product and for providing this demo! We need a PoC to demonstrate a HeyGen avatar helping post-op patients understand their take-home packet. To achieve this, I'm hoping to modify the Next.JS code in a few different ways:


Unable to start an interactive session using API.

When I create a session, the session state is set to new, once I try to hit the endpoint to start the session I get this error:

Voice to voice conversational AI Interactive Avatar

Hello, the online demo where user can speak with an AI ‘Wayne’ in real-time is amazing!


Videos have been stuck on "1% Ready"



API triall key working for video generation but not the API Token

Hi, i will to use Talking picture

Sometimes the streaming.task API doesn't return 200 for too long? And therefore the avatar doesn't speak

Hi, I am using streaming avatar in my project and i have noticed at times the streaming.task api doesn't even respond back. It neither fails nor give a 200, just stays on pending. Can you give some potential solutions/suggestions on how to prevent this and avoid this behavior of the API, please.


Access Token Validity

If we have enterprise api token to generate the access token, what will be the expiration time of it? How can I maintain the session for it?


Error : Daily rate limit exceeded

Hi, I'm Creator planer user. I am facing AI Script Making problem
3 or 4 script when i made after showing this massage ( Error : Daily rate limit exceeded ) but Creator planer user daily video made 30 but I could not made 30 script per day. This is very bad for me and heygen

How to generate Interactive HeyGen video using API

I want to generate a video personalized interactive HeyGen Video with some script to speak and I wnat to download that video.Is there any API to create a video, I tried creating video API but it is throwing an error as unautorized and internal error.

Error Retrieving Access Token

import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";