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Overall scene duration exceeds overall script duration.

I am unable to extend the video to match my script. the video portion of the project will not extend past 3 minutes. Is this the longest video I can make?

[Interactive Avatar] Adjust Elevenlabs voice model for integrated voice

I would like to adjust the voice model being used for my Elevenlabs voice that I have integrated into HeyGen. For example I want control over whether it is using the eleven_turbo_v2 or eleven_monolingual_v1 etc.

Retrieving Avatar's Speech Content in Text When Invoking chat Task Type

Is it possible to retrieve the avatar's speech content as text when invoking the task_type in Send task as chat?

Interactive Avatar: Interrupting all tasks for stream

Because of the 1000 character limit, we sometimes have a need to break messages up over multiple requests that play one after the other, which works fine, but the problem is when we need to interrupt the avatar. It only seems to interrupt the task currently being spoken. Is there a way to interrupt the entire queue for that sessionId or to be able to cancel/interrupt specific task IDs?

Video translation stuck at 99 percent

The video translation process was smooth from the queue to 99%. Now It's already been almost an hour that it's stuck with the message "99% Ready".

[Interactive Avatar] Change language when creating avatar

I recently created an interactive avatar using a pre-recorded video where my actor speaks Chinese. I can now access the avatar and its voice through an API. However, I'm having trouble changing the language of the voice. Although it's set to multilingual when uploaded, the API shows the voice as 'English.' Additionally, the voice sounds a bit off, and I'm not sure if this is due to the language setting or if the voice just isn't proficient in speaking Chinese. I know that some of the Chinese voices provided by HeyGen work perfectly, so I'm wondering if there's a way to change the voice language.

Trail API limit reached on creator plan

I am on creator plan and did not use the API today! but recieved trail api limit reached.

Streaming Avatar - Interrupt disconnecting me

Interrupt was working fine when just released, and I was able to interrupt as much as I wanted - even though interrupting while the the avatar was not streaming was returning Error 400

How can I remove watermark?

I'm currently using Creator plan. It clearly has an option for "Watermark removal".
How can I remove watermark?