Can Heygen's Streaming API Handle a Large Knowledge Base of Product Information?
Hello everyone,
Would be nice if avatarsV2 returned a default voice_id in the avatar object.
"avatars": [
"avatar_id": "0e62e7f5dc724018ae02a8461b0a5ccf",
"avatar_name": "Hilary",
"gender": "unknown",
"preview_image_url": "https://files2.heygen.ai/avatar/v3/0e62e7f5dc724018ae02a8461b0a5ccf/full/2.2/preview_target.webp",
"preview_video_url": "https://files2.heygen.ai/avatar/v3/0e62e7f5dc724018ae02a8461b0a5ccf/full/2.2/preview_video_target.mp4"
Need support for Heygen Interactive Avatar integration
I want to build the customer support application using the Heygen interactive avatar and have used the Heygen Next.js sample. My application supports both text and voice modes. When a user enters a question or speaks in voice mode, I retrieve the response via an API and pass it to the avatar to speak.
Adjust styling for Text using api
is there a way to adjust the text styling for text like this in api?
userText: {
name: "userText",
type: "text",
properties: {
content: input.overlayText ?? "",
color: "#000000",
stroke_color: "#FFFFFF",
stroke_width: 4,
font_size: 48,
text_align: "center",
font_weight: "bold"
Even just basic text like border or background?
Create text to video with Heygen API
I have tried to setup a webpage with an input field for text, but when I run the script I keep getting this error: 404 Client Error: NOT FOUND for url: https://api.heygen.com/v1/text2video/generate
Integrating Custom Interactive Avatar Using API
I'm trying out the Vite+TS interactive avatar demo provided in HeyGen API docs (https://docs.heygen.com/docs/creating-a-vite-project-with-streaming-sdk). I can switch to any avatar listed with endpoint https://api.heygen.com/v1/streaming/avatar.list, but not to my custom one created a few days ago. If I try, I get error with status code 400 - I suppose avatar id is not found. It's also not listed.
Utilizando indevidamente um exemplo de prompt que criei
Olá, estou realizando testes com plataformas que oferecem avatar interativo, e percebi que voces utilizaram como resposta em uma pergunta, um prompt que criei para um teste. Gostaria que retirem da sua base de conhecimento esse prompt. https://api2.heygen.com/v1/streaming/knowledge_base/list pois não autorizei a utilizarem em forum como exemplo. Já deletei o avatar, porém o prompt continua aparecendo no forum. Quem sugeriu como exemplo foi "Alec".
Streaming Avatar Flutter
I have an app which will use streaming avatar from heygen to start chat with avatar by text messages .
Video generation
I'm trying to generate a video from a motion capture where I added a sound effect beforehand.
But the videos come out without the sound effect.
What am I doing wrong?
I'm using this endpoint
Streaming Avatar - Speak trigger is sometimes slow, and the session fails to stop
I’m using a streaming avatar with a manual speak trigger. Generally, it works quickly with no noticeable delay. However, during a 3-hour non-stop session, there are 2-3 instances where triggering the speak action becomes slow. We wait for up to 2 minutes, but it remains stuck in a loading state.