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Some random responses from streaming avatar

So i am running the avatar's streaming sdk and its sole task is to repeat my inputs, but when the avatar goes in idle state it gives responses on its own.

 try {  
        const res = await avatar.current.createStartAvatar({  
          quality: AvatarQuality.Medium,  
          avatarName: "Anna_public_3_20240108",  
          // avatarName: avatarName?avatarName:"josh_lite3_20230714",  
          voice: {  
            rate: 1.0,  
            emotion: VoiceEmotion.EXCITED,  
          language: "en",  
          disableIdleTimeout: true, 

    await avatar.current?.startVoiceChat({                                        
      useSilencePrompt: false,
  } catch (error) {

//Avatar speaking prompt

async function handleSpeak() {
      if (!avatar.current) {
        setDebug("Avatar API not initialized");
      await avatar.current
          text: inputText,
          taskType: TaskType.REPEAT,
          taskMode: TaskMode.SYNC,
        .catch((e : any) => {

this prompts the avatar to just repeat my input but somehow its not happening,

@Heygen team, can you help?

The random responses are just it promoting me or the user to try heygen avatar with the stuff user is saying.

is this issue is with the free key only ?