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Keep seeing error 'Daily rate limit exceeded'

My account is solab@shanda.com

I've subscribed Pro API plan days ago.

Here is a more detailed call error:

In [96]: requests.get('https://api.heygen.com/v1/video_status.get?video_id=2428632101c64cc68fba0e5f25d81de5', headers={'x-api-key':'here-is-my-key'}).json()
{'code': 100,
 'data': {'callback_id': None,
  'caption_url': None,
  'duration': None,
  'error': {'code': 400140,
   'detail': 'Daily rate limit exceeded',
   'message': 'Exceed rate limit'},
  'gif_url': None,
  'id': '2428632101c64cc68fba0e5f25d81de5',
  'status': 'failed',
  'thumbnail_url': None,
  'video_url': None,
  'video_url_caption': None},
 'message': 'Success'}

I've made only about 10 min video. I don't think that exceeds any rate limit for a paid account.

I don't see any alert or notification on heygen app page but I still get this error.