Two responses from avatar
11 days ago by Sam
I’ve set task_type to REPEAT in voice chat mode and the avatar is responding back with a general knowledge answer (from its default settings I’m guessing) AND THEN it repeats back the text I sent it from Anthropic’s Claude. How do I get it to not respond with the first response from its general knowledge base?
Here is my code:
const createNewSession = async (avatarId: string) => {
if (isCreatingSessionRef.current || sessionStatus === 'creating' || sessionStatus === 'started') {
console.warn('Session creation already in progress or started');
isCreatingSessionRef.current = true;
try {
console.log('Creating a new session...');
const accessToken = await getAccessToken();
avatar.current = new StreamingAvatar({ token: accessToken });
const sessionInfo = await avatar.current.createStartAvatar({
quality: AvatarQuality.High,
avatarName: avatarId,
voice: { voiceId: voiceIDRef.current?.value || '' },
// Add event listeners after creating the avatar instance
avatar.current.on(StreamingEvents.AVATAR_START_TALKING, (e) => {
console.log('Avatar started talking', e);
avatar.current.on(StreamingEvents.AVATAR_STOP_TALKING, (e) => {
console.log('Avatar stopped talking', e);
avatar.current.on(StreamingEvents.STREAM_DISCONNECTED, () => {
console.log('Stream disconnected');
avatar.current.on(StreamingEvents.USER_START, (event) => {
console.log('User has started interaction:', event);
// Handle the start of the user's interaction, such as activating a listening indicator
avatar.current.on(StreamingEvents.USER_STOP, (event) => {
console.log('User has stopped interaction:', event);
// Handle the end of the user's interaction, such as deactivating a listening indicator
// Add event listener for USER_TALKING_MESSAGE
avatar.current.on(StreamingEvents.USER_TALKING_MESSAGE, handleUserTalkingMessage);
avatar.current.on(StreamingEvents.USER_END_MESSAGE, (message) => {
console.log('User end message:', message);
// Handle the end of the user's message, e.g., process the user's response
avatar.current.on(StreamingEvents.STREAM_READY, async (event) => {
console.log('Stream ready:', event.detail);
if (videoRef.current) {
videoRef.current.srcObject = event.detail;
try {
await videoRef.current.play();
console.log('Video playback started successfully');
setIsAvatarLoading(false); // Loader will go away when avatar is ready
// Start voice chat mode here with enableAvatarResponse set to false
await avatar.current!.startVoiceChat({
useSilencePrompt: true,
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error playing video:', error);
handleStatusUpdate('Failed to start video. Please try again.');
// Set the session ID
if (!sessionInfo.sessionId) {
throw new Error('Session ID not returned');
handleStatusUpdate('Session created successfully. Waiting for stream to be ready...');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating session:', error);
handleStatusUpdate('Failed to create session');
setIsAvatarLoading(false); // Ensure loader is hidden on error
} finally {
isCreatingSessionRef.current = false;
const handleUserTalkingMessage = (event: CustomEvent) => {
const spokenMessage = event.detail.message;
console.log('User spoken message:', spokenMessage);
// Process the spoken message as if it was typed and sent
const sendToAvatar = async (text: string): Promise<void> => {
if (avatar.current) {
try {
await avatar.current.speak({ text: text, task_type: TaskType.REPEAT }).catch((e) => {
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error sending task to avatar:', e);
handleStatusUpdate('Failed to send task to avatar');
throw e; // Rethrow to handle in processPhraseQueue